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Christmas Paper Bags 26x12x35cm 50 pieces

Christmas Paper Bags 26x12x35cm 50 pieces

from 77,00 zl

plus. 23 % Tax excl.




For orders from clients from Germany, Switzerland and Austria the invoice
and delivery of the shipments will be directly through our franchise partners in
Germany etc. ...

You will receive your confirmed order intake then order entry
from your local franchise-partner by mail or fax.
All orders from our wholesale shop are send from our central import
warehouse magazin Hamburg / Rotterdam.

Internet shop owner and support of the call center:

C / puerta lateral / Polig. Son Castel
07009 Palma de Mallorca
Baleares / España

Ust.-Ident Nr. ES Y3268040F
St.-Nr.: Y3268040F

Telefon Callcenter Deutschland:
0049-(0) 2378-9278966

Telefon Callcenter Spanien:

Business Hours: Monday-Friday 09.00- 16.00

Will you get Exclusiv Franchisepartner for Sales office Germany:
for your city ... Your Location:

we are still looking for partners in
various European / German states
possibly shop for direct sales

If interested contact us
please call or e-mail.

Consumer information:

Online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VO: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which can be found here:
